
Hello :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Leadership Conference - Day 4

I miss my sweet puppy!

Okay, got that out of the way ... Let's start with photos :
So, today we - whoops! The photos are of the dining room where we took our meals. It is SO pretty - it has amazing gorgeousity (thanks, Georgia!). Tonight, we're having turkey.

Risk taking, courage, strategies for action, personal reactions, change transitions/ strategies, vision, motivation cycles, and a quote, "a leader's primary goal is managing conversation."

HP update - I'm on page 308! :) I'll see ya'll soon!!!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 3 at the Leadership Conference

W O W - what a day ...

We created a vision for ourselves, our libraries, and MD libraries. Afterwards, we selected a member of our team to represent us in creating a vision for this Leadership Institute that we'll bring back to our libraries... So Watch OUT! :)

The afternoon was spent on a simulation where we had to memorize data, synthesize it, and then maximize our profit and meet the larger groups goals. This had us thinking about our own personal leadership strategies, group dynamic, and adaptability ... I don't want to give too much away, JUST in case someone is reading this that might be attending in the future. :)

Frankly, my brain hurts - Isa dun thankin :)

Anywho - some photos from today :

ttyl *SherryQ*

ps. I'm on pg 210 of HP7!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 2 at the Leadership Conference

Yesterday we spent time getting to know the group, and understanding the layout of the week etc.
Leadership traits
Being an Activist Librarian
Leadership being the ability to exert influence
Risk taken = Benefit received
and a quote ... "it's going to seem like Friday by the end of the week, it's going to go by so fast" really???? :)

We had to identify our learning objectives for the institute - why we wanted to come here.

We separated into groups and identified groundrules for the group

Finally, we talked about the difference between leadership and management - as in leadership is fun, management is ... management.

Another quote, "Leaders who know themselves are able to seek clarity about personal motives, fears, strengths, weaknesses, values and beliefs. They actively pursue life-long learning and walk their talk." hmmm...

We are at breakfast 7:30 a.m., meet from 8:30-noon, lunch noon-1 p.m., meeting 1-5 p.m., dinner 6 p.m., meeting 7:30-9 p.m. b u s y - or, rather, intense ...

Before we came to the conference, we had to complete our Enneagram Leadership Style - go ahead and click on it (go to 'tests,' 'proceed to tests,' 'enneagram') ... try it out! You can read more about the styles here. If you need to know - I'm a 7, 4, 9 - yeah, like you're surprised!
We shared with our like-styled people, and then with our group, different traits, strengths, weaknesses, and set goals for ourselves.
Our next fosuc was on strategic planning - identifying and assessing environments, and coming up with focus issues for strategic planning.

Okay, then... and now for some photos from the venue ...

Monday, July 23, 2007

A week on the Donaldson Brown Estate in Port Deposit

Hey :)

You didn't seriously think that I was going to stay in town after Harry Potter - did you? Did you? I jest :)

I am here for a week for the Maryland Library Leadership Institute.

It's a pretty place, with an okay drive on a summer Monday morning ...

This conference center is at the end of a driveway , past a working diary farm with like, cows and stuff ...

I'll post to let you know what's going on - in the meantime, feel free to enjoy my other photos of this cute Georgian manor house overlooking the river, including the bedroom that I am sharing with four other women - one bathroom, one shower ... that outta be enough challenge for the entire week ... ;)


Okay - F U N times :) *SQ* :)

RSS / newsreaders

Frankly, have always bothered me ... if I want to read/ get information from a site, I'll go there - either through bookmarks, del.icio.us, or by, hey - just typing in the address or something ...

In my last library system, we offered RSS feeds - and while at first it seemed pretty cool using, at that time, brand new technology... I found it to be redundant, and not useful, since when I visited bloglines, I just wanted to explore the originating info. site anyway - including the library... SO, if I'm going to the sites anyway, why take the extra step of visiting my reader ... ????

On the upside - I rediscovered that I already had a bloglines account, and it is now chock-a-block full of silly info and outdated feeds, leaving me a bit awestruck and giggly at what a different place in life I am now vs. 7 years ago ... a mere babe :)

I should add that I am related to people who LOVE feeds and readers ... just isn't my cuppa.